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Hi-Fidelity Prototype of the Full System

What is a high-fidelity prototype?

A high-fidelity prototype is a computer based prototype that allow realistic user interactions. These prototypes look as close as possible to the real representation of the product. 

Why we created a high-fidelity prototype

We created our high-fidelity prototype to show the primary interactions of our app. We want to use our prototype for usability testing to receive constructive criticism about our application. 

How we achieved our final prototype?

We achieved our final prototype by choosing our color palette, using colors consistently, choosing our text size and font, and creating a common bottom navigation bar. From our previous wireframe, we changed our bottom navigation bar to use a bar underneath the icon rather than darkening the icon to display to the users which page of the app they are on. We also performed usability testing to receive feedback from other users as to how we could better improve the interactions, design, and navigation. 

Primary Tasks

Task 1: Create an account, adding a monstera plant as the first plant in the collection, and determine your watering schedule. 

Task 2: Message owner of 'Plant Shop Seattle' to see if monstera plant is available 

Task 3: Exploring the forum page and posting a question to the forum 

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