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Project Description

Plant Mama

Plant Mama is an application that will serve as a plant identification, catalog, and water tracker. This can be achieved as users will create profiles indicating their level of experience in taking care of plants. Features of this application include the ability to take a picture of a plant to be identified, a complete catalog of plant species with provided information on how to care for specified plant, a calendar for user to input their own plant information which will send them notification reminders when to water their plant, and a forum for discussions within community for users to post questions and inquiries about anything plant related.   

Problem Statement

The problem we are trying to address is how to help novice plant enthusiasts get more comfortable and experienced with plants through the different services offered through the app. We understand that there are a lot of plant enthusiasts out there, but they may shy away from plants because taking care of a plant can be daunting (water and sun requirements, etc) but we hope this user-friendly app will help guide them so that they can garner experience to one day help other novice plant enthusiasts! We also realize it is often easier to stay on track when you are part of a community who not only shares your passion but shares the same hardships you face. We want this app to foster feelings of trust in the people you confide in, allowing users to feel more comfortable sharing both their victories and losses. In this way, the forums become greater than just questions and answers, they become a connection between like-minded individuals in which we create a community of both novice and experienced plant enthusiasts.

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